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Police Exhibits Political Vindictiveness

The Sunday Times, January 2, 2005
By Chachacha Munthali

The Police recently arrested two prominent UDF Party
Members for allegedly assaulting a Senior Police
Officer in 1999. But five years is a long time and
Chachacha Munthali wonders how ling investigations to
prove the death of Epiphania Bonjesi and Fanikiso
Phiri would take, given it was Police officers who
were involved. It was over six months since a member
of our Reformed Police unerringly took aim and shot
one innocent girl called Epiphania Bonjesi, all in the
name of preserving peace, as if the Girl had anything
to do with the Elections' violence that was the
aftermath of the May 20 Polls.

Again, three years have dragged by since Fanikiso
Phiri, a Chancellor College Student, was brutally
Murdered by the Police in Zomba. To date, those two
Murderers remain Faceless and will descend into their
haunted Graves guilty unpunished and their acts
Celebrated by the Malawi Police Service. Yes those
Murderers can walk tall in town comforted by the
fact that even if "Investigations" were instituted to
Probe those barbaric acts, it will be sheer folly to
anticipate the results and any action so soon. If you
doubt the basis of this case, you might be swayed by
this simple and macabre logic: If it took a Reformed
or Deformed Police Service, if you will, a whole
five-and-a-half years to Probe the assault of
their own Senior Police Officer, how long would it
take to investigate the murder of another statistic in
the everyday wave of violence by their own
extraordinary Sharp-shooters?

You do not require the brain of a Mathematical genius
to conclude that it would take a whole generation. The
story of the assaulted Senior Police Officer and the
subsequent arrests of the suspects reads like a
badly contrived piece of fiction that any writer who
dreamt it up would be lined against a wall and hire
Sharpshooters from the Malawi Police Service to
dispatch that quark to Kingdom come. Here was Tom
Chikombole, now retired, but was then Regional Police
Commissioner for the North was allegedly assaulted by
UDF Deputy Organising Secretary and Former Regional
Governor for the Centre. Maurice Kachimbwinda, Samson
Msosa, erstwhile UDF Deputy Regional Governor for the
South: another man who is on his run and two other men
who are now dead.

This extraordinary assault took place on 17 April
1999. And on 9 December 2004, the inert Police
suddenly remembered that one of their kind had been
handled rather unkindly, exactly 2063 days since the
took place. And they proceeded to arrest Kachimbwinda.
Six days later, Msosa found himself in the cooler as
well for a Crime which I can wager a lifetime Salary,
the gentleman had all but forgotten if he was involved

at all. Now, five other years is a long time and it
comes as no Big Surprise that two Suspects are dead.
And Police Deputy Publicist, Kelvin Maigwa, has the
nerve to tell a bemused Nation that Police have the
right to arrest anyone as long as there is Evidence
and investigations could take a long time.

True, but the case was a simple one, which is my view,
all it needed was the identification of the Culprits.
You do not even need the Specialty of the Scotland
Yard or do some long-winded investigations. No! As a
Nation, we should be ashamed of having a hapless
Police Service that can stare incompetence in the face
and feel proud of it, all in the name of conducting
investigations. Is it any wonder that some people have
been tempted to perceive the arrests as Political
Vindictiveness other
than the pursuance of Justice? The UDF especially
looks at these arrests as calculated Political
Manoeuvres. "This is an incident that happened a long
time ago and Other parties, too, were involved in
similar crimes but they have not been brought to
book," Salule Masangwi, UDF Publicist, was heard
Crooning when the arrests were made.

If the Police acted shrewdly at times, as they ought
to, they would spare themselves the embarrassment and
ridicule that they are most times exposed to. When
somebody someday realises the need to conduct
investigations into brutal killings of Fanikiso and
Epiphania, don't get surprised when you will be
bombarded by Police Propaganda that the guilty
Police Officers are now dead. and therefore, we cannot
proceed with the Case. After all, it is rare to try
the dead man.


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Mon Jan 3, 2005 10:18 am

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Re: [MALAWIANA.NET] UDF Rebuffs Bingu's Bid for Party Presidency
hi could you stop sending emails as my mum has gone away thank you so much MNS wrote: ONLY MHONE CAN REPLACE MULUZI The Sunday...
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