Monday, February 3, 2020

This Is What Corporate Social Responsibility Should Be Like!

Some of you will have seen this, as I posted this on my personal profile on Friday afternoon. This is news many of you have been so kindly wishing for me, which I've seen and which I've been grateful for. But if you haven't seen...

CMH Kempster Auto South have shown unbelievable generosity in sponsoring me and my work (of wildlife conservation, including snake rescue) with a brand new Ford Ranger!

No words can describe the levels of gratitude I have for Matthew Buck and his amazing team for sponsoring me and my work this machine! I'm still in shock, and the only two words that come to mind are, "thank you".

This vehicle will be tremendously helpful in my line of work, which often sees me out in rural areas on horrendous roads that were not made for my little NP200, which was on death row.

They've also kindly built in this awesome pull out rig in the back, that can be used as a table for things like taking DNA etc. One can even strap a croc down nicely on this as well!!

The computer system in this remarkable machine are mind boggling as well, but very convenient. Like the Bluetooth hands free set, so I don't need to constantly pick up my phone while driving to answer calls.
The reverse screen/camera is super nifty! I've already had to use it reversing up a dodgy, grassy track in Folweni on Saturday.
The tough tyres are a big bonus too. I went through so many on my old little car.

Pulling out of the dealership was stressful, and I was feeling like I was learning to drive all over again! But I'm more settled now, and absolutely loving it!

This is going to be such a massive boost to my conservation efforts in so many ways🙏.

Thanks CMH Kempster Auto South. Thank you very much. I still look at the vehicle and I'm like, "No, that can't be mine, surely?". Unreal! Dream come true!

Bring on the rural rescues!

~Nick Evans

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