
Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Women jiggle
In song and folkrole
A role,
They cannot ignore,
Behind the Nsima shore.

Then, the birds
In unisom fly
The giant steps of a beardsome being, as they bing bong
Bing, bong,
Over the clay Katongo clay

Over the mouse head,
Silently chopping the remnants,
Of the once mighty sand clay,
All gone,
Together with the wind

The Southerly winds,
Went with father
His soul to vacate,
There is darkness in the room
Darksome all faces look,
A giant is gone

His wife; the gone man
Pamtondo will speak,
And pounding,
The sound of sorrow.
No, there is happiness in pounding too
The marriage of the last born-memories,
Also freely flow

Home of all,
Sad, be it glad all,
Mother pounds in thoughts away
Last time, her finger into ashes went,
Pounded in thought,
At the huge Kachere tree,
As she pounded memories away,
Good thoughts and bad alike

Pamtoindo: the Malawian way
Where all memories have a way,
And in thought mothers mire,
So free,
And far away,
Just at the pamtondo tree,
The Goriath Kachere tree

Love: the Malawian way

A mother of two has been divorced in Salima- a Lakeshore district in Central Malawi- for holding her mouth while his Tuberculosis-infected husband coughed, without holding the mouth, and the germs!
Why? That's unMalawian.
In Malawi, love means:
When your husband, wife, friend, relative, guardian, and anyone acquainted with you, coughs don't hold your mouth or dodge. That is not love. Because, you may miss the germs. That's not being a true Malawian. Leave the germs of TB, whatever, flow into your system, freely. And get infected. That is love.
Getting infected for the love of someone you know. Even if they die, and you die. You will meet them in heaven, without TB, or HIV and AIDS, or what.
That is love. The Malawian way.

About Zachimalawi

Zachimalawi, simply put, means everything Malawian.
Here is an opportunity to discuss any aspect of the Malawian, and how it impacts on social-economic development. This is a forum where I, Richard Chirombo, son of a humbleNgoni man from Dedza- a Central region district of Malawi with one of the longest-serving Members of Parliament John Jenus Ungapake Tembo, will be sharing with you some of the most interesting things about Malawi and being Malawian. No, this has always been a misrepresentation of facts by opponents of the strong Dedza man, WHO also leader of the powerful opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP). If the truth were to be told, Tembo has only been MP for a few years, but spent most of his time serving in various government portfolios unlike MP. Talk of Reserve Bank Governor, chairperson to various parastatl organisations, etc. Next time, I will bring forth the history of the man; both political and personal, and how other people try to mislead others. Call it others misleading others.
Here, we will be talking about so many things. Malawian.
For now, this is M'malawi, Richard Chirombo.