Assessing the Role of Public Relations in Internationalisation of TVET: A Case of Sub Saharan Africa
Lewis Msasa
Senior Public Relations Specialist, TEVETA Malawi
Private Bag B406
A Presentation prepared for the IVETA 2014 Conference in Helsinki, Finland on 20
th August, 2014
Sub theme 2: Improving the Quality and attractiveness of TVET through international Cooperation
The phrase “Technical and Vocational Education and Training” (TVET) was adopted to reflect the combined process of education and training and to recognise that employment be the common objective of its immediate goal (UNESCO, 2002). Although TVET system is being recognized as instrumental for socioeconomic development in most countries, studies indicate that the system is failing to match with the skills, attitudes and knowledge demands from the market, partly due to rapid technological developments, globalisation as well as rapid transformation of occupations (Jimat, 2009). As such, the public harbours negative attitudes on TVET in the wake of its failure to provide a panacea for unemployment. Within the same armpits, the media has also embraced these negative attitudes hence poor coverage and misrepresentation of information on TVET.
The paper, therefore, aims to discuss the role of Public Relations (PR) in the coverage and internationalisation of TVET and how PR can make TVET internationally attractive. The paper argues that a vibrant PR can make TVET global and attractive to prospective students beyond the country boundaries. Strategies such as harnessing the potential of PR can help in creating an international platform where professionals involved in PR practices within TVET could share innovative ideas on how the national and global image of TVET can be improved hence making TVET provision an internationally seamless service.
The 21st Century has brought with it siginificant advances in the political, economic and technological fronts which have resulted into the creation of a global village. As such internationalisation coupled with rapid developments in information technology has in the recent years turned out to be one of the major issues of discourse in the modern society, ultimately having an impact on most citizens and societal institutions. In the process cross boarder information exchange is now becoming the order of the day.
Amidst all this has been the indirect ‘intercultural’ effects of Information Communication Technology (ICT) whose obvious facilities have assisted in cutting across physical boundaries and geographical distances by linking people around the world (Davis, 1999 cited in Richards, 2004). This, according to Davis, 1999 (cited in Richards, 2004), has made ICT to be increasingly recognized as a key organizing vehicle for various notions of ‘globalization’ and imperatives of ‘internationalization’ in education. Over time a platform for exchange of information and developments in the TVET sector has emerged.
Internationalisation in TVET can be defined as a process of intergrating an international dimension into teaching, research and services functions of various institutions in the TVET sector (Knight, 1997 cited in UNESCO: 2014). According to Knight, internationalisation is a key component for development of higher education and it is manifested through aspects such as international interaction, exchanges in technological development, cross boarder movement of employees, sharing expertise and academic networking. Internationalisation is good for international competition and transferability of goods and services. The International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA) is an example where such aspects are being manifested.
However, on the other side of the coin some schools of thought have faulted internationalisation, urguing that it is there to strengthen international competition at the expense of international cooperation among countries and institutions while some fear that promotion of cultural diversity could bring in issues of a single language and advancement of western culture (Unesco:2014).
Background to internationalisation of TVET and Public Relations
It has to be accepted that with globalisation no country or institution would claim to possess an inherent immunity from the effects of internationalisation. Likewise, those in the TVET sector cannot claim to cut themselves from the international networks like the International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA). This, therefore, calls the need for those in the TVET sector to find ways and means of ensuring how issues related to internationlisation of TVET could be enhanced. Public Relations could in the process play an important role in the internationalisation of TVET by managing and facilitating sharing of these innovative ideas by, among others, facilitating the creation of a structured but seamless network.
While the debate on internationlisation of TVET is gathering mommentum, experts in the TVET sector have in the recent years been converging in various fora to bang heads on how best to internationalise TVET with a number of resolutions being made. For instance, one of the issues which the Hangzhou Declaration noted, was the “current marginalisation of TVET vis a vis general and academic education” hence recommended that communication via knowledge networking should be an important aspect that would contribute towards development process(Unesco, 2004: 23 .
The major challenge, currently, is that the TVET sector as argued by Msasa (2014) is still regarded lowly, resulting into poor coverage of the sector’s programmes and activities. In other words, the general feeling by the public and even parents is that the vocational education is considered as being fit for only the academically less endowed (African Union, 2007). As such there has to be some mechanism that should be devised in order to reverse this situation because such perceptions could negatively affect efforts toward internationalisation in the TVET sector. The only way to arrest this situation is by, among others, providing accurate information which would make the sector attractive through effective public relations programmes and activities. As Alison (2010) puts it, Public Relations if employed effectively could ensure that the public has an accurate view of the organisation, in this case the TVET sector. The negative perceptions that the public has on TVET is probably a reflection of the public’s lack of or inadequate knowledge about the sector as well as the important role that it could play in any country’s economy.
In Malawi the Technical, Entrepreneurial and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TEVETA)1 which was established by the TEVET Act of Parliament No. 6 of 1999 to regulate TEVET has a Public Relations division. The division’s responsibility is to raise the profile of the TEVET sector in Malawi, by among others, ensuring that its programmes and activities are attractive and well-covered by the media. Over the years efforts have been undertaken by TEVET Authority’s Public Relations division in order to fulfil this mandate through various PR activities such as media tours, panel discussions and sharing of success stories through feature articles in both electronic and print media, career talks and facilitating various forums where topical issues on TEVET are discussed. However, a study which was commissioned by TEVETA Malawi to evaluate the impact of Public Relations noted that there still appears to be some elements of misrepresentation or in most cases, blackout of information about TEVET in Malawi media, a situation that has resulted into various stakeholders having inadequate knowledge on the activities being undertaken in the TEVET sector (IEC Report, 2011). For instance the public still fails to difefrentiate between TEVET, the system and TEVETA, the authority. The study also noted that the public has a feeling that TEVET courses are pursued by those who have not been successful in general eduation. However, while acknowledging that Public Relations has a significant role to play in TEVET, the study singled out inadequate capacity in audience research for the institution as the root cause of the problem of why Public Relations has not been having an impact on TVET (TEVETA: 2012).
The TEVET Authority case study provides some insights and challenges that public relations is facing but at the same time it offers some hope that , potentatially Public Relations could play a vital role in the internationalisation of TVET and ensuring that the sector is attractive.
Therefore, this paper aims to assess the role of Public Relations in internationalisation of TVET by, among other things, examining various issues within the Public Relations arena and internationalisation of TVET with particular focus on Sub Saharan Africa perspectives. Africa merits a special mention when it comes to studying the role of Public Relations in the internationalisation of TVET because of the diversity of issues and challenges that have a bearing on communication. Firstly, in Sub Saharan Africa globalisation has created a tension between skills required for global economic competitiveness and developing skills for poverty eradication. This has culminated into African countries pursuing the development of skills at all levels of the spectrum (basic, secondary, tertiary levels), with each country putting emphasis on the skill levels that correspond best to their stage of economic development and the needs of the local labour market (African Union:2007).
Secondly, the international media channels in Africa are many but the problem with these is that they tend to lose their value in the process of trying to ‘de-westernise’ their programmes in order to make issues covered more African in terms of localism and relevance (Sririvamesh and Vercic (2009). The fact that media programmes are in either English, French, Portuguese which are mostly spoken by the affluent they tend to be limited to a specific public hence denying the majority from accessing information about TVET. This means that as Sririvamesh and Vercic (2009) put it all this has to be taken into consideration when planning and managing for effective Public Relations programmes depending on the needs of the each country and institution.
The Global Perspectives on Technical and Vocational Education and Training
At the Second International Congress on Technical and Vocational Education in Seoul in 1999 and at the 30th Session of the General Conference of UNESCO held in Paris in 1999, members agreed on the adoption of the phrase “Technical and Vocational Education and Training” (TVET) to reflect the combined process of education and training and at the same time recognise that employment be the common objective of their immediate goal (UNESCO,1999 cited in UNESCO 2002). Despite the TVET system being recognized as instrumental for socioeconomic development in most countries, studies indicate that the system is failing to match with the skills, attitudes and knowledge demands from the market, partly due to rapid technological developments, globalisation as well as rapid transformation of occupations (Jimat, 2009). Ultimately as noted by Unesco (2004:13) “the current marginalisation of TVET vis a vis general and academic education” has in the recent years been a source of debate in various fora.
This have resulted into the public harbouring negative attitudes on TVET in the wake of its failure to provide a panacea for high unemployment rates, according to Jimat (2009). These negative attitudes on the TVET, as noted by African Union (2007) emanate from the fact that globally the education system continues to focus on basic and higher education . As the result TVET is considered inferior and those who venture into it consider it as a second choice after failing to pursue other careers. Ultimately, many do not consider technical and vocational education occupation as important because of the stigma attached to it. Although the majority consider TVET as inferior, most students who fail to make it to higher education, nevertheless end up going into labour market without skills (Unesco, 2002). All these issues do pose a challenge when it comes to internationalisation of the TVET sector.
Over the years efforts towards internationalisation of the TVET sector have been manifested in the formation of various regional blocks whose ojectives, among others, has been the harmonization of TVET systems through development of a Regional Qualifications Frameworks which seek to enable Member States to compare and recognize qualifications obtained in the region. For instance, on 8th September, 1997 Heads of State and Government met in Blantyre, Malawi to discuss ways and means of promoting deeper regional integration. The meeting culminated into the formation of the SADC Protocol on Education and Training, which seeks to establish legal and institutional frameworks to promote regional integration in specific priority areas of education, training, research and development. Among others, the protocal works towards the relaxation and eventual elimination of immigration formalities in order to facilitate freer movement of students and labour within the Region for the specific purposes of study, teaching, research and any other pursuits relating to education and training.
Although there has been this movement and a lot of resolutions being made at various fora towards internationalisation in TVET, not much has been shared among the stakeholders involved in the TVET sector, a situation that has resulted into creationof a kind of information imbalance.
However , if Vocational Education and training is understood as a crossing point between human, society, nature and technology, production and economy “one could see communication via knowledge networking being an important aspect that could contribute towards the development process” (UNESCO, 2014:33).
This, therefore, calls for the urgent need to harness the role of Public Relations in the Sub Saharan Africa in order to check this information imbalance which could hamper internationalisation of TVET.
Contextualising Public Relations in Internationalisation of TVET
In the modern world Public Relations is being used globally and that it is playing a crucial role in international relations and trade. But for the role of Public Relations to be appreciated it is necessary to understand various perspectives within the realim of Public Relations and how these could be put to use in the TVET sestor in line with emerging issues in globalisation. In the process aspects such as challenges being faced and the environment in which in which the public relations practioners operate could be also be appreciated. This information becomes handly when planning various public relations interventions towards the internationalisation of TVET in the wake of globalisation.
Sriramesh, (2009) argues that globalisation has in the recent years played an important role in ensuring that Public Relations body of knowledge moves towards greater cultural relativism which has in the process become relevant to the practitioners who are oftentimes faced with challenges in communicating effectively with the diverse publics. This is why it is important that Public Relations practioners should have an understanding of the society where TVET as a sector is operating in their respective countries. Society in this case is an aggregation of material aspects which boarder on economic resources and power; social relationships like national societies, families and social roles and occupations which are either formally or informally regulated (McQuail, 2010). Since globalisation started gathering momomentum so many effects have featured highly as the result of the elimination of trade barriers among the nations. These include cultural diversity and development of a confluence of various publics such as employees, consumers and members of the media as they try to respond to forces of globalisation.. Secondly, globalisation has been acceralated by media and communication- ICTs through rapid changes in communications such as the proliferation of social media which is fast turning the world into a seamless and borderless entity. Above all, what Sriramesh (2009) observes is the realisation of the fact that human race must to come together and address various common problems which include environmental pollution, terrorism, nuclear proliferation and over population which have resulted in poverty and hunger, all of which led to increased international cooperation and intercultural communication. Viewing developments from this vintage point, one would see the need for public relations to respond to such trends in globalisation. Public Relations , therefore, has to be understood and defined within the context of globalisation as “ the Strategic Communication that different types of organisations use for establishing and mainstreaming symbiotic relationships with relevant publics many of whom are increasingly becoming culturally diverse (Sriramesh and Vercici, 2009 P.xxxiv).
In the context of the TVET sector, it means this definition is embracing the issues of symbiotic relationships that would emerge in internationalisation of skills demand and supply. It is also important that Public Relations must embrace issues of cultural diversity in order to provide safety valves that should contain the imbalances that would emerge as the result of globalisation.
However, for Public Relations to be effective in the internationalisation of TVET it has to be applied or rather implemented within some generic principles such as empowerment of personnel responsible for Public Relations; Public Relations to be taken as an intergral communications function; a separate management function as well as a strategic management function and that Public Relations should be diverse and ethical as advanced by Grunig (2009). But one aspect that should not be overlooked is that these generic principles cannot be applied in a kind of one-size-fits all approach because as Sririmech and Vercic (2009) argue, ‘environment’ for Public Relations is not the same in all countries. For Public Relations to be effective, Sririmech and Vercic (2009) proposes that the conceptual framework from which the generic principals were derived by Grunig be linked with the variables such as the cultural (societal and organisational), media environment, the economic system, the political system and level of development and activitism of a particular country. These elements are important and should not be overlooked when formulating communication strategies that are aimed at popularising TVET in a particular country while at the same time addressing issues related to internationalisation of TVET.
On the other hand, while trying to understand Public Relations, media and news should be understood when planning Public Relations in the TVET sector because as Cottle (2003) puts it, the media is a major conduit of information in a society where both cultural identities and commercial interests jostle for media space, prompting institutions to strategically position themselves. The implication is that the TVET sector should be strategically positioned to ensure that matters related to internationalisation of TVET do not skip media spotlight.
In the process Public Relations practioners could become handy because of their ability to understand the Agenda Setting theory of news. By definition Agenda Setting is “a process of media influence (intended or unintended) by which the relative importance of news events, issues or personages in the public mind are affected by the order of presentation (or relative salience) in news reports” (Macquail, 2010: p.548). This is an important aspect in Public Relations practice because it enables both the public and public relations practitioners to appreciate the ability of media to influence the audience cognition and at the same time effect change among the existing cognitions on TVET. A number of studies have been carried out, the most significant being the one done by Bernard Cohen when he wanted to find out whether there was a relationship between the press and foreign policy where he found that “the press is significantly more than a purveyor of information and opinion. It may not be successful much of the time in telling people what to think, but it is stunningly successful in telling its readers what to think about” (Cohen, 1963: p.13 cited in Newbold, 2005). Complementary studies on Agenda Setting were carried out by McCombs and Shaw, 1972 (cited in Newbold, 2005) where they discovered a strong relationship between those topics which were featured highly in the mass media coverage and those that were in the minds of the audience.
But as Macquail (2002) argues, the media influence may not necessarily be a reflection of its opinion but it is simply going by what people think probably in trying to be objective although Mackinnon (1982: p.237 cited in Litchenberg, 2000) contend that objectivity is viewed as a strategy of hegemony employed by some sections within a society in order to dominate others. The implication is that it might happen in trying to be objective the media could be faced with a situation where it would give it would give some activities or news events more coverage than others activities. In that case if TVET as a sector is considered by the public as of low status as argued by Jimat (2009) then one would not expect the media to give it much coverage as way of making it attractive. This means it might be problematic for issues related to internationalisation of TVET to be well publicised if there are no proper Public Relations strategies in place.
On the other hand, the Marxist theory acknowledges the existence of a relationship between economic ownership and the dissemination of information which does affirm the legitimacy and the value of class of society. This implies that as Cottle (2003:p.136) puts it “those who have access to news discourse can shape public opinion and set agenda for action”. Probably this is where, in the process of internationalisation of TVET, Public Relations could play a role in shaping the attitudes that the public has on TVET.
4.1 Role of Public Relations
Considering the diversity of Public Relations definitions being put forward by various authorities in the field, it has always been problematic to appreciate its roles. Alison (2010: 26) has managed to summarise what Public Relations is capable of achieving by providing a rough guide of the activities involved in Public Relations in Table 1 below.
Table one: A Rough Guide to main activities of Public Relations
Public Relations Activity
Internal Communication
Communicating with Employees
In-house newsletter, suggestion boxes
Corporate PR
Communicating on behalf of whole organization not goods or services
Annual reports, conferences, Ethical statements, visual identities, images
Media Relations
Communicating with journalists; Specialists; Editors from local, national, international and Trade media, including newspapers, magazines, radios, TV and web based communication
Press Releases, photo calls, video news releases, off the record briefings, press events
Business to Business
Communicating with other organizations e.g. Suppliers, Retailers
Exhibition, Trade events, newsletter
Public Affairs
Communicating with opinion formers (e.g. Local and national politicians), monitoring political environments
Presentations, briefings, private meetings, public speeches
Community Relations/Corporate Social Responsibility
Local communities, electedrepresentatives, head teachers etc
Exhibitions, Presentations, letters, meetings, sports activities and other sponsorships
Investor Relations
Communicating with Financial Organisations/Individuals
Newsletters, briefings, events
Strategic Communications
ID and analysis of situations, problems and solutions to further organizational goals
Researching and executing a campaign to improve ethical reputation of an organization
Issues management
Monitoring political, social, economic and technological environment
Considering effect of the issues in the party manifestos during campaign and these could impact on say TEVETA (my emphasis).
Crisis Management
Communicating clear messages on fast changing situation of emergency
Dealing with media after the closure of a TEVET institution due to substandard structures (my emphasis).
Copy writing
Writing for different audiences to high standards or literacy
Press Releases, news releases, web pages, annual report
Publications Management
Overseeing print/media processesoften using new technology
Leaflets, internal magazines, web sites
Events management, Exhibitions
Organisations of complex events, exhibitions
Annual conferences, press launch, trade shows
Source: Alison (2010: p 10)
Deducing from the Table One it could be seen that Public Relations is complex and can sometimes be easily misunderstood and even misinterpreted. Strategically others have inseparably associated Public Relations to involvement and presence of media. With these multi-faceted roles it is not a surprise that Public Relations has always been referred to by various nomenclature depending on the nature and needs of the institution. For instance the Botswana Qualifications Authority, refers the department which handles Public Relations issues as Communications and Customer Service; at TEVETA Zambia it is refferred to as Information, Education and Communication while at TEVETA Malawi it is referred to as Corporate Affairs Division.
But regardless of what nomenclature Public Relations could be referred to the most important aspect is to ensure that the public has an accurate view of the organisation (Alison, 2010). Thus as internationalisation of TVET is gaining currency it is imperative that the general public is given accurate information which would make it have a sound understanding of the TVET system which could influence positively perceptions, knowledge and attitude on TVET. And it is believed that Public Relations has the ability to play this crucial role.
5. A bird’s eye view of the Media in Sub Saharan Africa
At this juncture, it is evedently clear that the role of Public Relations in internationalisation of TVET cannot be discussed in isolation. One of the precursors to the effectiveness of Public Relations effectiveness is the presence of channels of communication which could be used as a vehicle towards internationalisation of TVET. As earlier noted, Africa especially the Sub-Saharan Region merits a special mention when it comes to studying the role of Public Relations in the internationalisation of TVET because of the diversity of issues and challenges that could have a bearing on communication.
For Public Relations to become instrumental in changing the perceptions, attitudes and behaviour of people towards TVET there must be some good communication infrastructure. But a closer look at Public Relations field in the Sub-Saharan Africa reveals a number of challenges such as a huge variation in terms of access to new media and lack of communication infrastructure as major challenges. For example Tanzania with a population of 34 million has about 15 well established daily, weeklies coming out in both English and Swahili with a circulation of 4 per thousand people. There are also specialist newspapers like the Business Times and some independent TV and Radio Stations. On the other hand, South Africa with a population of 40 million has 82 national, regional dailies and weeklies mainly in English and Afrikaans with indigenous languages left out. Circulation is about 34 per thousand people. Malawi with a population 15 million has six major papers – The Nation, Weekend Nation and Nation on Sunday The Daily Times, Malawi News and Sunday Times with daily circulation in the ranges of 10,000 to 15,000 mainly in English. Nyasatimes is also fast establishing itself as an important online news source for Malawians especially those in Diasporas.
In terms of access to communication infrastructure, the International Telecommunication Union (2003) notes that cell phone subscription per 100 per in South Africa is at 27 while in Kenya is at five. But the good news is that uptake of ICT has in the recent years rapidly increased in some least developed countries (ITU, 2006). For instance Mali registered 142% while Djibouti, DRC, Niger and Sudan registered 186 %, 184%, 171 % and 139 % growth respectively. This does offer a glimmer of hope although as observed by ITU (2006) that such hope is paled by challenges such as lack of response by policy makers and regulators to rapid and unprecedented developments in telecommunications markets which have emerged. For instance, ITU (2006) says there appears to be unrealistic restrictions and barriers in some countries to the developments and dissemination of the benefits of internet protocols (IP) and scarcity of ICT infrastructure and high cost of internet connectivity which has resulted into the majority of the population in the Sub Saharan region not enjoying to the fruits of new media to the maximum.
The UK based Gyroscope Consultancy has been analysing these variations in terms of availability of information as a major challenge in Africa and has thus created what is called “ African Communications Index (ACI)’ . The ACI is a tool that could be handy when it comes to measuring the level at which PR and Communication could be strategically used starting from planning, management and delivery in a particular country as a well as the degree to which the related desciplines could be effective in specific target audience.
The ACI ranges from 0 to 100 which according to Gyroscope, the higher the index, the easier it is to plan and determine Public Relations and Corporate communications in a particular country and more cost effective it could be in the delivery of specific messages to the target audience. The ACI is designed in the way that the higher the ACI, the higher the potential “Return on Investment” in communications activity. For instance, according to Sririmesh and Vercic (2009), South Africa with an index of 89.5 makes it easier to plan Public Relations than in Malawi which has an index of 27.85. Probably this could be the reason why those countries with lowest ACI index may not see the value for investing in Public Relations.
Such diversity is worth noting because as Sririmesh and Vercic (2009) notes, it does pose challenges in terms of planning Public Relations and Corporate Communication on ‘pan African’ basis. This, therefore, calls the need for TVET institutions in Africa to invest adequately in Public Relations interventions in order for it to play an effective role in internationalisation in TVET.
6. Public Relations and the new media
Modern Public Relations is dominated by the digital social media which has turned out to be a force to reckon with. Such social media include the Facebook, blogs, whatsup, Linkdin etc which are now becoming a major vehicle for conversations of various issues In other words, the internet has unarguably revolutionalised the sharing of information. Unlike in the previous forms of media where production happened to be highly concentrated and regulated, the new media which is mostly referred to as digital media has ushered in a new era where there is independent production of content which could be shared instantly and with undue restriction. Through digital media, it has been easy for publics to form and establish relationships anywhere in the world. The electronic media is now able to host online libraries of content waiting to be accessed by users unlike the broadcast media such as radio and telecommunication which transmits information over the air. For instance, due to its interactive nature, web 2.02 has the ability to reinforce Grunig’s notion of two-way symmetrical communication (Grunig,2009 cited in Sison, Sheehan, 2012). Blogs, social networks like Facebook and microblogs happen to be the most popular social media platforms (Sison, Sheehan, 2012).Furthermore, the internet technologies such as online media have altered the ‘agenda setting’ capabilities of the media producers. Therefore, the agenda setting function of the new media will depend on the PR practitioners’ ability to attract interested readers, listeners and viewers to issues about TVET because “once a buzz has been generated over a particular issue, the exponential sharing of content through blogs, emails and word of mouth can provide that content with an unticipated global audience” (Danjoux, 2010:p15). The advantage of using these in internationalisation of TVET is that once the content becomes viral it is popularised exponentially and shared among internet users thereby making TVET a seamless service. But as these dialogues and conversations are taking place, organisations and various institutions are thus urged to utilise Public Relations in order to facilitate their participation in the discourse (Grunig 2009).
For instance internet tools like the blogosphere have been used in the political arena as candidates are selling themselves to the electorate ( Danjoux, 2010). Likewise Public Relations practitioners could use the blogoshpere in gaining global attention for the TVET issues as a process acceratating of internationalitation of TVET.
Thus as advanced by Grunig (2009), these digital media have the ability to make public relations practice a global, strategic and two way and interactive symmetrical or dialogical and socially responsible if used in a strategic manner. All this implies that PR has the potential to effectively contribute towards internationalisation of TVET. In this regard the new media also promises some positive changes in the internationalisation of the TVET sector if utilised to its potential.
7. Way forward and recommendations
The following are some of the recommendations could enhance the role of Public Relations in the internationalisation in TVET
- There must be aggressive marketing and PR strategies in place if the public is to appreciate what TVET can offer towards skills development.
- TVET institutions should endevour towards positioning Public Relations within a management function to ensure that whoever is responsible for Public Relations is part of senior management team where strategic decisions that would have a bearing on Public Relations are made. For instance, it is the duty of Public Relations to develop programmes that are aimed at communicating with strategic publicsand all those who have stakes in TVET sector.
- For effectiveness all public relations functions within a TVET institution should be intergrated into a single entity which should be coordinating various departments responsible for communication activities.
- While appreciating the role of technicians in the day to day activities, best practices require that within the TVET insititution organisational set up there should be a senior manager who should be on top of things with capabilities to handle in matters related to Public Relations in a strategic manner
- TVET Public Relations machinery should adopt a two way or rather symetrical public relations with abilities to conduct research, listen and manage conflict and at the same culitivate relationships with both internal and extenal publics.
- Capacity building should be encouraged in the TVET sector to ensure that those handling Public Relations issues are up to date with ICT skills on how they can harness the power of new media like website, facebook, blogs, youtube etc which have capabilities to accesserate internationalisation of the TVET sector.
- Encourage exchange visits and forum for Public Relations personnel in TVET sector where they could meet to discuss challenges and means of ehnancing issues concerning internationlisation of TVET
Public Relations practitioners in TVET institutions should increase awareness and understanding to ensure that the public is able to appreciate the importance of Public Relations as a profession and how it can contribute to the internalisation of TVET.
- For those TVET institutions which have no Public Relations offices, they should work towards establishing one. Such an office can assist in raising the profile of the TVET, by among others, ensuring that its programmes and activities are well-covered by the media hence enhancing attractiveness of TVET.
8. Conclusion
If the current trends where Public Relations is now becoming a good source of news is anything to go by, it could safely be said that the field has the potential towards internationalisation of the TVET considering its ability to serve as social and cultural agent in economic transformation in a particular society, be it outside or within (Tilson, 2008).
The paper has discussed the role of Public Relations (PR) in the internationalisation of TVET and how PR can make TVET internationally attractive. The discussion has revealed that although TVET system is being recognized as instrumental for socioeconomic development in most countries, the sector is still faced with negative attitudes in the wake of its failure to provide a panacea for unemployment. Unfortunately, the media has also embraced these negative attitudes hence poor coverage and misrepresentation of information on TVET.
In conclusion the paper has argued that a vibrant Public Relations could contribute tremendously towards making TVET global and attractive to prospective students beyond the country boundaries. Strategies like harnessing the potential of Public Relations by among others making it a strategic management function within TVET institutions and capacity building, creation of an international platform where professionals involved in PR practices within TVET could share innovative ideas on how the national and global image of TVET can be improved hence making TVET provision an internationally seamless service.
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1 TEVETA Malawi and TEVETA Zambia are probably the only authorities in the Sub Saharan Africa that have incorporated “Entrepreneurship” in TVET in order to increase chances of TVET graduates going into self employment hence the reason why the two authorities refer it as “TEVET”
2 Web 2.0 is a collection is a collection of open source interaction and user controlled online application expanding the field experience and knowledge and power of users as participants in business and social process